Chapter 3
There’s beauty in patterns. To know that there is a logical course of things that are random is a relief to the mind. There will always be instability to make a system stable. The life itself is a paradox, understanding is never enough. Ones have to integrate themselves in life and let it flow, and then control will come as easily as breathing. The same applies in transferring, transforming of data into knowledge
- The First Understanding
For Maria, routine is something that she enjoys. It started off by getting up with the same dream, having breakfast alone in her study room instead of the dining hall, since most of the time, the ever busy Senor Professor Harith Osiris and Senora Professor Jasmine L’isa is always out; either to gave out lectures or some tacit military excursions, well, it didn’t bother her that much anymore since that’s how family is from her understanding. Laissez-faire policy is their lifestyle. Today breakfast is scramble cheese egg with bacon served with jarrah coffee. She sighed with pleasure as she savors the soft scramble eggs with a hint of cheese spread on top of crunchy white toast bit by bit. The smell of coffee as it courses down her throat, the sweet creamy texture of the liquid with a hint taste of chocolate burst in her tongue with flavors, never failed to make her all merry and satisfied to start off the day, even knowing that she has to attend the most horrendous class conducted by the biggest ignoramus in the known world. Yeah~ things are normal
The walk to the campus is another routine that she enjoys tremendously. Taking a shortcut through the garden towards a small hilltop, she's walking and singing to herself softly while listening to the running water, accompany by fresh smell of roses and damp earth drifting by brought by the wind. The breathtaking view when she arrived at the hilltop, where the Academy came into full view, never cease to amaze her. Where can one find a place that is beautiful and terrible at the same time? That one place is what we call School, or for her the Academy of Advanced Dominators where the motto is veni, vedi, veci; I saw, I came and I conquer and the first doctrine is cogito ergo sum; I think, therefore, I am crafted on the double pendulum that formed an arch as tall as a mountain that signifies the entrance to the Academy. It always amuses her when she approaches the entrance since it always look like the God of Death scythe. Anubis Academy is a secret name she shared with her best friend, Leyla among her other secrets. You are my backup system, that’s what she always tells her. You can only see the tall archway of the pendulum that signifies the existence of the Academy. No one knows how big the Academy is, since the cubic classes made from white marble always rearrange themselves in complex pattern to confuse and trap outsiders. The barrier that signifies the boundary of the Academy engulfing the whole hill, from afar you can only see the glimmering whites between the greens where the sun reflected the white marble of the cubes in between the trees.
I’m early, hmmm…that didn’t happen often, it’s that bloody dream. Maria talks to herself as she passed through the Gate and let herself to be scanned and questioned by the Guardian. She is bathed in the light from the Gate and she let her mind calm as she felt the probing of the Guardian inside of her memory.
Welcome, daughter of Osiris and L’isa. May your journey to be Khalifah will bear fruit for the good of our kind said the voice of the Guardian inside of her head
I’ll be the seed, may Arasis give me time to grow, she replied almost mechanically.
The pendulum moves and she walks through the entrance into a white perfect cubic made from marble that has only one entrance as tall as her. Inside, there are several cylindrical tubes with different crystal configuration giving colours to the white empty interior. From there, she walks into the cylindrical tube made of clear quartz aka the Tube. She put her palm onto its wall, sending her coordinate into the system and will it to move. Almost instantly, she arrived in a circular hall, where the seats designate by smaller diameter rings segmented section making the hall seems to be plunge into the ground. The status of each Dominators and the Subjects, is signifies by the nearer they are to the centre of the ring, the more Advanced their skills, the nearer they are to the Professor.
Maria came down the stairs and sat at the third row from the front, where there are six of her fellow comrades of the same status. Leyla as always is the first one to arrive.
Good morning, Maria. Leyla said in surprised. You are early today.
You look sleepy as always. Is it the same dream?
Morning, Leyla~~
Trying to suppress her yawn, she hugs the table and laid her head on the table made from clear quartz, the cold surface is a relief to her skin.
Yeah…same dream, different day
It’s getting more vivid this year, I wonder why…
Have you talked to your doctor about it?
Leyla looked at Maria closely while she brought her notebook out and set it onto the table.
Ya, right… He will prescribed me more sleeping pills and babbling more nonsense about post traumatic disorder like I haven’t gone through all of those shits enough to last me a lifetime. No more doctors, no more sleeping pills and lectures please, I’m not going to kill myself or be depressed…it’s been 10 years, I’ve gotten over it and it’s only silly same repeating dreams…don’t look at me like that, Leyla. I am fine, really…
Smirking and changing her tone, Maria hugs her best friend, Leyla from behind
Anyway, next week is my birthday! My sweet, gorgeous, beautiful, most esteemed best friend, there’s a book by the infamous notorious Axe Orsia that I’ve been eyeing and I will be really ecstatic, and will roll all over your ground, if I can get that as my birthday present. Don’t roll your eyes, I’m hinting pretty seriously, here.
Taking her eyes off from the notebook, Leyla stares into the deep brown eyes of her friend and frowned
If you can demand like that, I assume you are sane and discipline enough to get through the lectures without sleeping. Then, if you can score the highest in the test today, I will steal the bloody book just for the sake of shutting you up
Letting go of her friend, Maria shakes her head, making the curls of her long black hair dances as she laughs heartily
I really love you when you sounded like my mom and the way you roll your eyes at everything I said is annoyingly cute. Thanks, love!!
Leyla matches her best friend grin and continue to study the content of her notebook as the data flows in and out from the soft crystal screen where she touches and rearrange them into logical order and structuring her memory and knowledge into a language that only she can understand, automatically. Her fingers dance like a piano mestre, faster and faster as she building up her mind defense prior to James’s class.
You know bloody well that your mom didn’t sound like that. Lots of people including me would be willing to murder you just to have parents like yours. Now, don’t smirk at me and do take notes, please. Maria, can you for once build your defense system, even though you don’t need it? Prof. James dislikes giggling idiots and abhors anyone who is smarter than him. Just pretend to be obedient little student and don’t provoke him today, Maria. We need to score a kill in his test today or we literally fucked up, do you understand?
Yes, ma’am…done that already…please take note for me, gonna power nap.
Maria felt a gush of affection towards the petite redhead with her prominent green eyes set in an oval shaped face where her short hair making her boyish looks, look younger than she really is. Her companion since as far as she could remembered, sitting besides her as always. Even though she loves to nag ehemmm lectures her 24/7; she knows she can show her back to her without the fear of being stabbed. If Leyla ever betrayed her, she knows it is because of a strong valid reason and Maria found herself not minded to be done in by the only person whom she is supposed to hate. The crescent black tattoo in between Leyla's eyebrows signifies the status of her family as the Royal Priest. The reason Pacifier is a strong entity is because of the bond formed between the partners.
Yes, yes… little obedient cute student. But, he always babbling nonsense, I can’t help it but to disagree. Quote from the Great Prof. James “Dynamic mechanism of transferring data from one person to the other will only work when there’s absolute complete dominant and absolute complete submission of both parties” what utter nonsense! Just play S&M with his idiotic fans who’s complacently let him subdued them. Na ah! Not for me, complete acceptance and harmony is the way to optimize data transfer, energy flows in the circle not one direction, like the bullshits he has been showing offs, in addition, to get data by killing its subject is for those war maniacs, it’s totally behind time! We had enough of the war; it is time for these maniacs to be locked up for good. May Anubis drag all of them to hell!!
Maria, can you please be more careful? You do realized that both of our parents work with the military and our Government is martial based and the war can only be stopped by total annihilation of either parties since both of Them are selfish idiots whom never learned from past mistakes? The only thing that prevented us from destroying each other is because the existence the holy mighty Pacifier. Three-point-system is not a stable system at all. It will collapse if the Pacifier is compromised. That is why we are here, sent by our so-called patriotic parents who sent their children to become hostages of the Pacifier to ensure the continuity of the system. Since I do not want us to become enemies in the future, I will become one of the mighty Pacifiers even if it kills me…hence, I need to listen to James idiotic babbling nonsense and pretend to agree and completely absorb in his lectures to get the bloody pass. You can preach and revolutionize the mind when we are out from this hellhole, hitherto, please, be a good obedient student and LISTEN!!
Humph!! Fine, alright, ok I’m gonna preach and revolutionize you during lunchtime. Gonna power nap, you know I’m not a morning person so, kindly please connect with me and take over the lectures. Thank you! Over and out! xoxo
Damn it, Maria! Do not switch off your fucking mind in class, you blockhead and sat besides me!! I’m gonna fucking ask you to get me Yureka, Maria! Shit, it is not easy to connect both minds and pretend at the bloody James class! Maria!
The renowned Professor James Idiot err Elliot Morrison is the third year instructor of Dynamic Transfer. Since the Great Rebirth, the untapped potential of human mind suddenly floods out. This happen since we were affected by the reversal of the magnetic field of the earth caused by the fallen meteor, Kamui. Kamui has wiped out almost ¾ of human population and Earth since then, has been enveloped by sea, and only one continent of landmass, Gaiea left and being fought by 2 types of human, the Subjugators and Overseers . The war lasted for 50 long years when the first Pacifier, finally ended the war by introducing the cycle system and forced the merging of Subjugators and Overseers and transform their relation to Dominator-Subject relationship where the combination is powerful enough to brought down both empires and bend them to their control. Since then, the seeds will be given to the Pacifier from both Government to be groomed to be the next Pacifiers to ensure the continuity and survival of humankind.10 years has passed since then, even though the Governments remained martial, besides keeping peace between the Governments and eliminate any source of any disturbances to the Peace, Pacifiers nowadays are more focus on restoration planning and optimization usage of the mind for space travel and terra-forming another planet for occupying the ever growing of populations. But, being different always a cause of disputes and sadly, prejudices always prevail even in peaceful time. One of the human traits is to be inhuman towards each other, the destructive instinct, zeroth doctrine. That is why Khalifah is needed to guide the human to the right path of restoration. The Academy is built to produce Pacifiers and Khalifahs but even in the best intention, superiority and arrogance can take root and grow to produce twisted fruits.
3 hours passed slowly, Professor James Elliot (Idiot) Morrison class of Dynamic Transfer is as ridiculous as ever. For Leyla, it is a slow strangulation. I better pray to keep my mind sane; Dear Osiris, please don’t let James ask me to demonstrate anything, please don’t let him noticed that Maria is letting me taking over her in his class, please let him be merciful and give us a pass, please don’t let him questions us. Please give him a better mind and cure his idiotic face.
After 2 more hours passed, Leyla prayers turn to; Dear Anubis, please completely fucking erased him from this fucked up world and takes his life while he suffers, I’m gonna personally kill your beloved child, Maria for letting me going through all of these bullshits alone, while she’s completely slumber in your bosom…unless, she brings back Yureka.
Professor James stoic built turn towards Leyla and Maria where he stares at a pair of most troublesome students he ever had in the history of his teachings. Something is amiss here, he thought while scratching his bald white head. Taking off his black rimmed glass, he scrutinized the dazed eyes of Maria, feeling her mind and got blocked. Cursing for being unable to read both of them, he puts on his spectacle and smile. His straight too even white teeth and dimpled smile never failed to charm anyone exceptions of these two and that infuriate him because he knows that he do not have any control or power over the two of them even though they pretended otherwise and that infuriates him even more…you can’t deceive me, whores…There are people who are immune to his control charm but not too many of them exist and he found their existence is a rejection to his being and he absolutely abhors them. Since he can’t touch them while they are in the Academy, he waited patiently for the time when he can destroy them. War has teaches him patient and he will bid his time and wait for the perfect moment to strike.
Lady Leyla, would you please come to the front and demonstrate on how these crystallized exergy will amplified a simple data transfer to fold the outer memories when it is used correctly. And Lady Maria, would you kindly please assist Lady Leyla and be her subject?
Looking straight into the grey of eyes of that ignoramus chill her to the bone. He’s trying to enter our mind again, fucking pervert and he wants to kill us. Reading his mind is a child play; we ought to step delicately with this man. If he makes a move and touch any of us, I’m gonna fry his brain regardless of consequences…besides, I have downloaded most of the useful data from his mind to use it against him.
Lady Leyla, Lady Maria, if you can’t even perform this simple task, I’m afraid I have to kick you out from this class and fail you. You do understand the severerity of declining a direct order? Do not disappoint me, as the third tier this should be an easy task for you unless…you are incapable to demonstrate because of reasons that I am unaware of??
Fucking bastard… He knows that I hate to be dominators and Maria abhors being a subject and both of us completely against his dominators-subject relationship. My cover for Maria is perfect but I don’t know whether I can handle Maria’s mind. Maria, wake up! The Ignoramus is barking at us, are you expecting me to handle everything on my own? Maria?? She tried to connect to Maria’s mind but she found only void.
Slowly, both of them went down to the podium. I need to buy time…
Professor, can you let me and Maria, scan and scale the environment and set up protective barrier in the class before we begin?
With a sarcastic smile plastered on his face, he looked at them and said
In practicality, do you announce to your enemy that you going to attack? If your classmate doesn’t know how to protect themselves then they are not fit to be in my class. But, since all of your softheads’ parents will not like their kids to become vegetables, I permit you to scan and cast the Hydra Barrier.
I’m gonna make you blind and vulnerable, my two lovely whores and tore your minds to pieces….the crystal is actually a third degree purified exergy diamond, unless you are a commander level and above, your mind will disintegrate when you started the download due to the excessive energy it produces and Hydra Barrier will amplify the effects. Due to the histories of these two whores always breaking the limitations, there is no way it can be traced back to me. Accidents happen, anyway. Licking his lips he waited with anticipation while Leyla and Maria scanning and casting Hydra Barrier.
While raising his arms, a student from fifth tier spoke,
Professor James, Sir? A hydra barrier? Isn’t that too advance, for our class? It might overburden the mental capacity and tore your mind to pieces and turn the castors and receivers into walking dead. Not to mentioned, the after effect will affect everyone here and turn us into veggies if the hydra barrier failed. Are you sure it is safe?
Eric, if you paid any attention to my class, with the tiny brain of yours, comprehend and take note that the purpose of the crystallized exergy is for you weak heads to pull that kind of stunts. And, if you think Hydra barrier is advanced, you should change your class to commoners’ Khalifah application instead. Since there is an advanced Commoner in this class, which is our Lady Maria here, please observe on how a mere Commoner can join this Holy Communion of Advanced Dominators.
Separating her mind into several entities, she programmed them as quickly and precisely as she could to set up the Hydra while sending SOS messages to Maria.
Something is wrong here… there’s a heavy flow came out from the crystallized exergy, I better check it out. When her subconscious touches the exergy, there’s a heavy friction destroying a part of her programmed entities. Fuck it!!! It’s diamond!! He’s trying to kill us again, how many times we have gone beyond limitations and get locked up because of his never ending attempts to destroy us!! And this time, if he succeeded, the Academy will believe that it is our habit of always wanting to experiment our limit is the cause of our deaths even the truth is, thanks to this narcissistic idiot, we always have to be prepared to be killed every time in his classes since Day 1.
Hmmm…his attacks lack of creativity as always, huh… said Maria to her subconscious
Maria!!! If I’m killed I’m going to personally haunts you until you die, suffering all the way.
You panic too quickly, love. Relax, fear is the mind killer… calm your mind, you can see the path, we have been through this too many times already; even without me you can handle it easily. Oh, BTW, I have Yureka, so, if you want it, consider this a challenge to the mighty Leyla. Don’t die, love. Handle me with care. XOXO
MARIA!!! Don’t you fuckin dare leave me alone to handle this shit by myself!!! Maria?
Leyla searched for Maria in her subconscious furiously but to no avail. Sighing, due more to anger and frustration she manages to calm her mind and began the rapid destruction and construction of the Hydra and her entities to suit the energy level of the Diamond. I ought to teach this Idiot a lesson, never messed with someone who is stronger than him. Furiously she constructed a program to instill fear. Fear is the mind killer, the second doctrine. I’m going to kill your mind James. The moment that you tried to enter our minds is the last thing that you will ever do.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Chapter 3 - The Academy
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